
Robot Framework - How to add selenium keywords to autocomplete in Visual Studio Code

Why to use autocomplete selenium keywords? When you start typing the first few letters of the keyword, you get a list of predictions. It’s called Autocomplete. There is a difference between having good knowledge of coding and memorizing all the keywords from the library. Memorizing all the library keywords doesn't judge your knowledge of coding. That’s where having these autocomplete keywords in IDE comes in handy. IDE PyCharm automatically enables the autocompleting keywords feature. But In order to have this work on VS code, it takes a couple modifications on IDE. Follow the below steps to enable autocomplete keyword feature on VSCode: In the VS Code, get the following extension: Robot Framework intellisense FORK    ( How to add extension ) Click on the gear icon present next to the extension. Click Extension Settings Look for RF Language Server:Libraries Click Edit in Settings.json This opens in the editor. Add the below library to the settings.Json file. Start typing sele...
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